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Scott Richards

Grow your Business by Getting Creative

Updated: Dec 30, 2022

My best business ideas have come from long runs and hikes. That’s why I wear hiking clothes (Rather than a suit and tie) when I make my videos. If you want to get creative, go outside, take a run or take a hike. It sounds simple, and it works.

Creativity is the fun part of the business. Apple Computers is a highly creative business. Steve Jobs re-imagined what a personal computer should be. Creativity effectively applied can create huge profits for a business. Creativity in business is thinking about how you can serve the unspoken needs of your customers. Can you deliver your business services faster, easier, and/or for a lower cost? Creativity involves questioning the "Status Quo" in business. Questions like "Why does our business do...this way?" and questions that begin with "Would it be possible to do "It" this way?" can get your creative juices flowing. When you have a creative business meeting, it's important to stay positive. Don't shoot down your colleagues' business ideas by saying negative things about the idea and using the word "But." Say things like, "That's interesting...What if we tweaked that idea to look like..." Good creative business meetings should be a positive flow of ideas that will ultimately morph into something the team feels good about. Getting your idea to market as fast as possible is the best thing for your business. Don't worry that your business idea is not fully baked. Great is the enemy of good. The reason for getting an idea on the marketplace where people can buy whatever your business is selling is that your customers will tell you exactly what you need to change to improve it.

Get outside and get your creative juices flowing to build your business.

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