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About Me

Building Great Companies Around Great People

With over 25 years of experience as a CEO, I’ve had the privilege of scaling and exiting several businesses. Each growth phase taught me valuable lessons about leadership, management, and creating a sustainable company. Today, I’m passionate about sharing those lessons to help business owners implement systems that allow them to grow, scale, or exit confidently.

My Approach to Coaching

My journey has shaped my approach to coaching. I understand the pressures you face as a business owner because I’ve been there—navigating tight cash flow, dealing with challenges, and ensuring you have the right team. I’ve found that lasting success comes from having a clear roadmap and the right systems in place, so I now focus on helping companies implement a Business Operating System (BOS). This framework integrates leadership, management, teamwork, and accountability to ensure that a company runs effectively.

Family and Balance

Since marrying my dear wife Lisa in 1984, we’ve been blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren. Our mutual love for the outdoors often leads us to adventure on our electric bikes and enjoy the beauty of hiking trails. Together, we also find joy in both learning and teaching the profound beauty and wisdom of the Torah.

For me, business success is about more than just profit—it’s about creating a life where your company runs smoothly so you can focus on what matters most, both in and out of the office.


In 1996, I was recruited as the CEO of Dial800, a startup. About 20 years later, we sold the business in a highly profitable transaction.

Several critical strategic business decisions  I made along the way include:

  • Hiring the right team

  • Building call-tracking  software 

  • Using the science of memory chunking with ad success

  • Focusing our marketing efforts on the Direct Response TV and radio industry.

I invented a proprietary 800-number algorithm based on the science of memory chunking. This algorithm significantly increased our sales. 

Our clients included DISH, Direct TV, UBER, Nestle, and Bank of America.

Web Comet

I built a subsidiary of Dial800 called Web Comet.  Web Comet was an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that was eventually merged into another business.  


I assembled an operations team and implemented a sound legal strategy to build our business. 


Within a few short years, we built and sold our ISP business.

Web Comet ISP

Call Delivery Systems 

I led a team that built Call Delivery Systems, a successful lead-generation business.  We delivered thousands of leads to advertisers using our proprietary software.  We sold the business to a strategic buyer to help grow our research company, Reconnect Research.

Call Delivery System

Reconnect Research

I invented a highly accurate and cost-effective survey research method called RICS-- Redirected Inbound Call Sampling.  The RICS methodology was published in the leading scientific journal for survey research, Public Opinion Quarterly.

The New York, Florida, and Louisiana Departments of Health used RICS to conduct important COVID-19 and vaccination research. 

RICS appeared in the leading academic journal, the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and CNBC.

Reconnect Research
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